
Fancy Foods & Beverages

Fancy Foods & Beverages

Fancy Foods and Beverages established in the year 2014 under the guidance of Mr. Pradip kr. Debnath who holds years of experience in the packaged drinking water field. Our organizations bears a name with 55 years of trust in the retail segment, started under the name of Fancy Stores in the year 1959.

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Mineral spas are spa resorts developed around naturally occurring mineral springs. Like seaside resorts, they are mainly used recreationally although they also figured prominently in prescientific medicine.

Drinking water, also known as potable water or improved drinking water, is water safe enough for drinking and food preparation. Globally, in 2012, 89% of people had access to water suitable for drinking.[1] Nearly 4 billion had access to tap water while another 2.3 billion had access to wells or public taps.[1] 1.8 billion people still use an unsafe drinking water source which may be contaminated by feces.[1] This can result in infectious diarrhea such as cholera and typhoid among others.[1]

Although vessels to bottle and transport water were part of the earliest human civilizations,[1] bottling water began in the United Kingdom with the first water bottling at the Holy Well in 1622.[2] The demand for bottled water was fueled in large part by the resurgence in spa-going and water therapy among Europeans and American colonists in the 17th and 18th centuries.[3]

The more calcium and magnesium ions that are dissolved in water, the harder it is said to be; water with few dissolved calcium and magnesium ions is described as being soft.[4]


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  • Address:Fancy Food and Beverages,
    Pub Dhariram Pathar, Hojai
    Pin-782435, Assam
  • Mobile: +91 9706547922